Conditions Chiropractic Can Treat

Your ABQ Chiropractor treats hundreds of conditions related to the spine, symptoms for which are evident in most areas of the body. 

These categories relate to the most common conditions where patients seek relief.

Infant Reflux & Colic

If nerve interference is present causing a disturbance in the proper function of any part of the body, restoring proper nervous system control often then allows the body to heal itself. This will result in a happier, healthy baby!

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Ear Infections

When parents bring their child for us to check, we look specifically for distortions in the upper spine. If nerve tension, spasm, or spinal inflammation is detected, we gently reduce it with safe and natural chiropractic adjustments. This helps restore normal nervous system physiology and function.

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Pregnancy Issues

Webster technique allows for the best possible position for baby (allowing more room for growth and development in-utero), more comfort for the mom, and tremendous decreases in labor times and labor pains simply by optimizing the baby’s chance of being in a great position for birth.

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Growing Pains

Bed Wetting

If the bed-wetting is caused by nerve interference from the spine, many children see great results with chiropractic care. 

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Migraine & Headaches


Chiropractic adjustments are shown to improve nervous system function by gently removing these misalignments, and thus decreasing that sympathetic state of constant go-go-go in the body.

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Specific chiropractic adjustments increase the range of motion in the spine. Additionally, adjustments are beneficial in eliminating the pressure on your nervous system and help straighten the abnormal sideways curvature of your spine.

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Pregnancy Issues

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Growing Pains

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Bed Wetting

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Migraine Headaches

Migraines can be debilitating. The severe pain, nausea, and extreme sensitivity to light, smell, temperature, and sound sometimes affect sufferers for hours or days at a time.

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ADHD Solutions

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Scoliosis Correction

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Illumin8 Chiropractic is an award-winning Chiropractic group which provides all-natural and safe Chiropractic care. We have helped thousands of families suffering from pregnancy issues, ear infections, ADHD, headaches and bed-wetting. Visit Illumin8 Chiropractic in the DFW area.

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