FAQ DFW Chiropractor


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We are confident your DFW Chiropractor can help your family get back to living their best lives!

Our fee for your first two visits is $149. Your first visit includes our initial examination, doctor consultation, and computerized neurological studies. Your second visit includes your detailed report of findings, and first adjustment on your next visit back. 

Our basic adjustment rate is $65. You may pay by the visit for care in our offices. Additionally, we are happy to create an individualized care plan and recommendation for you. Our care plans reduce your cost per visit below our standard $65 rate.
Do you take insurance?
It depends. Most insurance companies consider our care to be a wellness service. Therefore, in their eyes, we are viewed similar to other wellness services. Things like your gym membership, supplements, or shopping for organic food. As you know, insurance typically does not pay for those things. Occasionally, people have out-of-network chiropractic benefits. This coverage will contribute to care in our offices. Therefore, on your first visit we will gather your insurance information to check on your benefits.  Unfortunately, most people do not have insurance that contributes to Chiropractic care. However, that is no problem as our rates are affordable. In addition, our care plan rates are usually less than your insurance deductibles and co-pays.
Will I get adjusted on the first visit?

You and your childs health is our main priority. We would never risk your health without thoroughly evaluating you. Therefore, the results from your first visit are carefully studied and reviewed by our doctors. We are dealing with your spinal cord and back bones. We take this extremely seriously.

You will initially meet with our Doctor to consult about your situation. After that, we will perform all necessary examinations, neurological studies, or X-ray’s. Therefore, we schedule a follow up visit the following day or two to go over the results together. 

This second visit we will review the results of your evaluation. In addition, our doctors will answer all of your questions. We then give you your first adjustment if we are certain we can help.

Do you take X-ray’s?

No, we do not take x-rays. Instead, we utilize a technology co-developed by NASA. We are able to scan your spinal muscles and alignment in several ways. Therefore, this allows us to zero in specifically on your imbalances.  We also then can measure the progress in your spine we achieve with post scans.

How long does an evaluation take?

Evaluations in our office take 20-30 minutes.  Please fill out our forms on your phone or computer. We send you this link within 24 hours of scheduling to expedite your visit. We pride ourselves on being an extremely punctual office. Therefore, please arrive to your appointment 5 minutes early. We assure you this is not your typical doctors office experience.

Are adjustments for children the same as adults?
The nervous system of a child is more sensitive than that of an adult. Thus, kids’ adjustments are different than adult adjustments. Our DFW Chiropractor is trained and certified in gentle, neurologically focused ways to adjust kids from newborn all the way to teenager.
Will my child have to go to a chiropractor forever?

Every child is unique and their initial recommended care is customized for the individual. Although you may end care at any time, most families realize that their children are healthier and function better than non-adjusted children and therefore choose to make regular wellness adjustments a part of a healthy lifestyle. 

Is prenatal or pregnancy chiropractic care safe?

Yes, it’s very safe! We use safe and gentle techniques assuring your comfort during every adjustment. We also feature special pregnancy pillows for our tables that allow you to rest comfortably through your session, even as your belly grows larger.

Does getting adjusted during pregnancy only help with pain?
While chiropractic effectively addresses prenatal aches and pains, it also allows your body to communicate with itself more effectively through the improvement of nerve function. These improvements can optimize your (and your baby’s) overall health, helping to manage swelling, morning sickness, hormonal swings, and other prenatal side effects as well. You may even enjoy an easier, quicker, & more optimal labor!
When is the best time to get adjusted while pregnant?

If you and your partner are thinking about trying to conceive or you are currently trying, chiropractic care is fantastic for pre-conception, which allows your body to function at it’s best. If you are already pregnant and ready to be as healthy as you can be, give us a call to schedule your prenatal appointment. 

What is Webster’s Technique for Pregnancy Chiropractic?

Webster’s Technique is a specific analysis for evaluating the pelvis and surrounding structures such as the SI (sacroiliac) joints, round ligaments, sacrum, and pubic bone. This can allow a baby who is in an unfavorable in-utero position to turn or become more midline in the belly. This will decrease the likelihood of a c-section delivery or any uterine constraint. 

Do you take care of adults too?
Absolutely! We believe that true health starts young and that’s why we love serving children as early as possible, but we still care for adults of all ages and all walks of life! Adults have been through more traumas and stressors than children in their lifetimes and will therefore be excellent candidates for specific, neurological chiropractic care.
How does chiropractic care help moms-to-be feel better during pregnancy?

By adjusting your spine, your DFW Chiropractor can help relieve nerve pressure and muscle strain. As a result, you can have less muscle pain and referred pain to the extremities. Pregnancy chiropractic care also helps to alleviate back pain, neck pain and extremity pain without painkillers (which could be dangerous to your growing baby).

How soon should I get my child checked by a DFW Pediatric chiropractor?

Although, bumps, falls and wrestling matches are often what comes to mind with our kids when we think of physical stress, actual physical stressors start much earlier, most commonly researched as starting during the prenatal or birth process.In addition to physical stressors, our kids live in a busier, more complex generation than we did. Schedules are packed, social media is everywhere, and food quality isn’t what it used to be. Simply put, we have more coming from every direction, and all combined, it can be overwhelming! The best time to get your child checked by a DFW Pediatric Chiropractor is within the first week of birth, the second best time is today. 

How old or young should somebody be to receive care?

Our oldest client is 99 years old! Most weeks we adjust newborn babies as well. 30% of our practice is children. This is because most folks want their children to reach their full potential. 100% nerve supply is an important part of that equation!

Illumin8 Chiropractic is an award-winning Chiropractic group which provides all-natural and safe Chiropractic care. We have helped thousands of families suffering from pregnancy issues, ear infections, ADHD, headaches and bed-wetting. Visit Illumin8 Chiropractic in the DFW area.

For more information on the neurological studies: https://insightcla.com/product/insight-neuro-tech-station/

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